We all have delicate skin, not just newborns and babies. And since skin is our largest organ and defends us against infection, we must protect it!

Almost 95% of mainstream baby shampoos contain ingredients that are damaging to the skin. We belielve this must change, by first understanding about baby's skin:
Infant skin is even more delicate than adult skin, with a pH level ranging between 6.34 and 7.5, which is a lot more alkaline than adult skin which is 5-5.5... so we must do everything possible to protect it because too many shampoos, conditioners and creams do not consider this. Plus, if you're washing your baby's skin and delicate hair daily you could be harming their skin's microbiome.
We have an easy-to-read explanation of what pH is all about and why it matters [HERE].
And another wonderful blog post on the skin's amazing and protective microbiome [HERE].
If you're concerned about baby's skin developing optimally, give these posts a quick read!
Bathing lessons start early
It's a perfect moment to teach your baby that they do NOT need to bathe every day, nor do they need to be washed down with bubbly soaps and slathered with creams afterward.
Babies enjoy nighttime baths, yet a simple warm water bath will be enough to soothe and calm them before bedtime. The warm water will make them calm, and the natural pH of tap water – which is what we all use in the bath – will be enough to gently wipe off any excess sweat or dirt that may be trapped in between baby's folds... Let's face it, babies are not that dirty and do not require daily baths!

Here are some TRUU questions often asked by parents, and our answers:
Don't babies sweat? My boy's feet are stinky, sometimes filthy at the end of the day!
Yes of course babies sweat, collect dirt and grime, and odours. But remember: Dirt is not bad! (Read this article from Dr. Suzuki, on why kids need to get outside and get dirty!)
However, if you're still concerned, there are safer alternatives for washing up baby:

1. Oatmeal stocking bath:
Get yourself some gluten-free oatmeal (either the old-fashioned or quick-cook kind, either is fine!).
Place one cup of it inside a knee-high stocking. Tie a knot. Place in the bath and squeeze to release its natural "milk". Not only is oatmeal soothing on the skin but it's naturally cleansing. You'll love this so much, you'll wonder why you ever spent money on drying bubble bath soap!
Mmm... soft skin!! (PS: This is especially good on chicken-pox itchy skin!).
2. Beautiful, gentle, OIL!
That's right, you can use oil to clean and wash! Oil attracts oil, and it's amazing for cleansing the skin – everyone's, yours and baby's. Just dab a small pea-size onto a soft baby washcloth and rub the baby's folds and even scalp. Rinse off with water and you'll have a clean baby without needing to use creams after! The best oils to use include grapeseed oil and jojoba, which are the two that closest resemble the body's sebum – that's the natural oils produced by the body to protect itself. Remember: Just as water and oil repel, oil is attracted to other oils, so it will stick to the body's natural oils that have been hanging on to the day's dirt and sweat. Oh yeah!!
You can also read about our "Oil cleansing method" [HERE], if you want to try your hand at cleansing your face naturally using oil, for clean, soft, beautiful skin!
3. My baby has cradle cap. I need to wash it off so it won't get infected and grow fungus and itch.
To carefully soothe and dissolve the cradle cap, all you need is a small amount of oil rubbed into the scalp, and then rinse it off with water. Not all the oil will be removed with just water, but this is a good thing because the oil will form an occlusive film overtop of your baby's skin, further protecting it.
It may take a few days or even weeks, but the alternative is less harsh to the baby's skin. Cradle cap is there to protect your baby's scalp, so as long as it is wiped daily using a gentle cloth (with a dab of oil), and dried thoroughly using a washcloth, it will heal and disappear on its own. If your baby has cradle cap, it needs moisture (even water will do), and then it can be lightly coated with a natural, organic oil like jojoba or grapeseed oil to lock in moisture inside. You can learn more about the oil cleansing method for babies in our blog post [HERE].
If you're noticing that your baby is uncomfortable or itchy on the scalp where the cradle cap is, then it may be that the skin is drying overtop, so soothing it with an oatmeal bath followed by a gentle oil cleanse will relieve some of this itch and uncomfortable feeling.
If the cradle cap is worsening, getting thicker, oozing liquid or becoming infected, please visit your healthcare practitioner who may recommend a topical antibiotic or a steroidal ointment. There are wonderful and natural alternatives out there, however always consult with your healthcare provider.
4. But a nighttime bath gets baby sleepy!
If you're feeling like a nighttime bath is the best remedy for getting your baby sleepy, you can rethink this old wives' tale. Having nighttime baths can actually stimulate your baby into playing and wanting more playtime, and can later suggest them that this added nightime routine is the only way for them to sleep!
To top it off, you're probably going to cover up your baby's freshly hydrated skin with talcum powder, oils, rash creams, diapers and clothes, right? DON'T DO IT – This is one of the worst ways to get a baby's skin naturally conditioned before bedtime. What you need to do instead, is let your baby's natural skin oils gently protect them while they sleep by LEAVING THEM BE.

If you need to calm baby down and get him to mellow out, be tranquil, peaceful, and ready for bed, they need two things:
First, understand that babies need to be stimulated during the day during the daytime, and they can go outside and get fresh air.
Secondly, they need to be calmed down as the daylight naturally dims – snuggle them up in a warm blanket, cradle them, caress them, rock them gently, and read a book.
You can also play soothing classical music in the background. These methods mellow out the mind, signal a body's natural melatonin, and get baby sleepy! These are part of the early lessons that a baby will learn, and will also help their skin's microbiota develop into healthy skin.
Do you have more questions about washing your baby naturally? Contact us! We'll gladly give you some advice on ways to cleanse your baby as they need it.