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The Ultimate Guide to Holistic Hair Care: Natural Solutions for Healthier Hair

To have healthier hair you must understand that the body works together as a whole: from how it functions on the inside to your mental health, the energy you receive and give to others, and your outlook on life.

holistic hair is about more than the products you use
What does "holistic hair care" mean to you? Everyone's understanding of holistic hair care is different – yet we all think that healthy hair is just about the products you use on it.

Healthy hair is not just about putting products on your scalp and hair – it's about living a healthy lifestyle, especially keeping in mind that the hair grows from the inside out and everything that's going on in your body will affect it.

At OBLOOM we believe holistic hair care is about treating hair health as part of overall wellbeing and considering factors beyond just external hair treatments. Let's explore why.

Here are some examples of what is involved in holistic hair care:

1. Yes, Natural Products can help make or break it

Using products derived from natural ingredients, rather than synthetics, can make a world of difference to your hair. Hair is not just composed of keratin (protein), but it also has lipids (like triglycerides, waxes, and cholesterol), minerals and essential components (like iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), to name a few. This means your hair needs and thrives on these components, and providing it with them helps sustain its long-term health.

This is why we designed our products to contain herbal extracts, natural butters, plant oils and essential oils, hydrosols (plant waters) and nature-derived peptides. These ingredients harness the powerful benefits of nature.

2. Diet and Nutrition: It's more important than you think

Just like a child that grows 4" inches per year, making new bone, skin and muscle from the nutrition they consume, that's what it's like for your hair too. You eat well, you grow hair well.

Some key nutrients help hair grow healthy – and faster too, such as:

  • Biotin (found in eggs, nuts, and whole grains) for strength.

  • Vitamin E (found in avocados, nuts, and seeds) for scalp health.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish, flaxseed, and walnuts) for shine and elasticity.

If you're struggling with healthier hair growth – that is, stronger strands, shinier hair, faster hair growth, hair density – then try switching something in your diet that you know is not healthy (we all have unhealthy habits, don't we?). Give it two months (changes in hair growth typically take 2 to 3 months) and see how it improves! It will be worth it.


Even if you don't like to exercise, maybe your thing is to read a book at night rather than being on the phone. Or going for a 10-minute walk in nature. Whatever it is, make sure you take the time to breathe in fresh air and relax – we all need a lot more of this in our hectic lives!

Incorporating some form of stress-relief practices such as yoga, meditation, or regular exercise will go a long way to growing healthier hair.

reading a book to help hair grow
Simply sitting in stillness and reading, or going for a walk in nature are stress-relieving techniques that – believe it or not – can help hair grow healthy.

Why? Because high stress levels can lead to hair loss and poor hair health, as stress lowers your immune system, affects your nervous system, disrupts your sleep, and weakens your body's signals to grow healthy hair and skin – so managing stress is crucial for maintaining healthy hair. For your body to function properly (including wound healing, illness repair, and even hair growth) it needs to calm the nervous system. A few moments here and there, peppered throughout the day, will help you go. along way.


Focus on maintaining a healthy scalp, which is the foundation for strong hair growth. This includes regular scalp massages to improve blood circulation and using gentle, natural exfoliants to remove dead skin cells and promote a clean scalp.

We have talked a lot about the scalp microbiome and why it's so important. If you are yearning to have healthier hair that is strong and won't thin out, read our blog post [HERE].

scalp microbiome
You would not believe how important the scalp's microbiome is for healthier hair! Give this post a read.

5. Ahh yes, the topic you're sick of hearing about...

Ensuring adequate hydration by drinking plenty of water and using hydrating hair products. Proper hydration helps maintain hair elasticity and prevents dryness and brittleness.

This is because there is so much water running through our body, and even within our hair and scalp. The body is a fountain or energy and water is its greatest conductor. Drink it up!

If you find water 'boring' to drink, good hydrating drink alternatives include:

  • unsalted sparkling water with lemon or lime and a twist of salt (natural electrolyte water that tastes delicious and fuels your cells!)

  • cool herbal teas – like hibiscus, chamomile or lavender tea

  • diluted berry purée: just blend some frozen strawberries and a sprig of mint into a glass of water.

6. Mindful Practices with care and attention

Encouraging mindful hair grooming practices, such as being gentle when detangling hair and avoiding harsh brushing, not only helps you be thankful for the hair you have, but promotes relaxation. These are also considered sort of "mini mindfulness practices" that you can learn to enjoy, just as you would do with your facial care routine before bedtime.

We actually prefer to advise our customers to use combs, never brushes, to care for your hair. Hair brushes have plastic bristles that are too close together and pull the hair. Find yourself a large comb with few bristles, and take your time to comb and unknot the hair.

Using a leave-in conditioner like our Hydrate & Shine, goes a long way to protect your hair from the forces of combing and detangling. Check it out [HERE]. You would be surprised at how incredible a leave-in conditioner can be for boosting hydration and promoting shine... make it part of your daily haircare routine!

7. Supplements can be hair HEALTH saviours!

Don't be afraid of taking supplements, especially if you're taking the right ones for your specific needs. We always recommend a visit to your healthcare practitioner and a naturopathic doctor, as they can take a look at your hair issues and recommend which supplements may be needed, depending on what your body is lacking for healthy hair growth and skin.

Life is busy, and we may not always get the proper nutrition our body requires, so supplements are key – especially if you take high-quality supplements rather than those you may find at the dollar store or big box stores. Never buy a supplement just because you "Googled it" and read that it's good.

stress can cause hair loss
Living a stressful lifestyle may require you to take supplements to balance stress in your body, which will in turn help boost your immune system and help with hair growth.

Some reasons you may need supplements for healthier hair include:

  • You work a lot under artificial light, which can drain your body of energy

  • You don't spend enough time outdoors

  • You are low on iron (which doesn't always mean you are anemic)

  • You live a stressful lifestyle, or you just went through a stressful life event like the loss of a loved one or changed work/home/school

  • If you are a vegetarian or vegan, or you are in any other diet program

Common supplements include biotin, collagen, and vitamins A, C, and E, and omega oils. Herbal teas like nettle, horsetail, and green tea can also help boost hair vitality.

By adopting a holistic approach, you can find a comprehensive hair care solution that addresses not just the symptoms, but the underlying causes of hair issues. Remember: healthy hair is not just about the products you put on your hair, but about your whole body's health and wellbeing.


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