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Have you ever wondered why hair holds such significance in different cultures? Why cutting hair can be such a big deal for some? In this blog, we'll take a journey from ancient traditions to modern research and explore the spiritual, energetic, and symbolic dimensions of hair, uncovering the mysteries that make it a truly remarkable aspect of the human experience.

indigenous man with long braids in nature
Everyone has the right to cultural traditions and rituals, and we must understand and respect them without judgement.

The Spiritual Significance of Hair

In Indigenous cultures worldwide, hair is revered as a sacred extension of the self. Beliefs surrounding hair often stem from profound spiritual connections to Mother Nature, just as the long grasses cover her surface. Hair represents a physical manifestation of one's connection to the natural world and the spirit realm. Long, uncut hair is viewed as a symbol of spiritual strength and wisdom, while cutting it is seen as a severance of these connections.

During the 1800s, the governments of the USA and Canada imposed forced assimilation on many Indigenous communities. Children were taken to off-reservation boarding schools, where they were forced to give up their traditional clothing, languages, and long hair. Cutting their hair was a way to strip them of their culture and identity, reinforcing the dominance of the white government. For more information and connections on this topic, please visit the Assembly of First Nations [HERE].

Similarly in Africa, various tribes hold a deep reverence for hair, viewing it as a conduit for ancestral wisdom and divine energy. Elders often wear their hair in elaborate styles as a sign of respect for their ancestors and cultural heritage. Hair is intricately woven into rites of passage, ceremonies, and daily rituals, serving as a tangible expression of cultural identity and spiritual significance.

Namibia's Himba tribeswomen hair rituals
Namibia's Himba tribeswomen and their gorgeous elaborate hairstyles.

In many indigenous cultures, hair cutting ceremonies mark significant life transitions, such as puberty, marriage, or mourning. These ceremonies often involve elaborate rituals, prayers, and offerings, symbolizing the release of old energies and embracing new beginnings.

young men wearing daster
Young sikh men wearing traditional dastar.

In Hinduism, for example, the practice of tonsuring (shaving the head) is often performed as

an act of devotion to the gods or as a form of purification. Similarly, in Sikhism, the uncut hair, or kesh, is a visible symbol of one's commitment to the Sikh faith and spiritual discipline. The dastar (or head wrap/turban) is worn as an article of faith representing equality, honour, self-respect, courage and spirituality, to cover long uncut hair (kesh) because the cutting of hair, known as kesh chhedna, is considered a violation of this sacred commitment and is therefore discouraged.

As we can learn here, there is much more to hair than the look of it. It represents history and culture that must be respected and not judged.

Hair as an Energetic Conduit

Central to many cultural beliefs is the notion that hair acts as an energetic conduit, capable of both receiving and transmitting subtle energies. According to these beliefs, hair absorbs not only environmental energies but also the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of individuals. It serves as a link to everything around us, representing one's spiritual journey and acting as an advanced extension of the nervous system. This ‘feeler’ transmits vital information and energy to the brain stem, neocortex, and limbic system deep within our brains. Negative energies can become trapped within the strands of hair, leading to imbalances in one's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

hair energy and memory
Hair is believed by many to hold energy and memory.

Modern science is beginning to explore the potential bioelectromagnetic properties of hair, shedding light on the intricate relationship between hair and energy. Research(1) suggests that hair follicles may indeed function as antennas, capable of detecting and responding to subtle energy frequencies. This phenomenon aligns with the broader understanding of the human body as an energetic system, with hair playing a crucial role in the regulation and distribution of energy flows.

The Vibrational Frequencies of Hair

An intriguing aspect of hair is its purported ability to emit unique vibrational frequencies. In many cultures, each individual's hair is believed to resonate with a distinct energetic signature, reflecting their physical, emotional, and spiritual state. This belief is not merely metaphysical; it finds resonance in the field of bioelectromagnetics, where researchers are investigating the electromagnetic properties of hair.

Studies have shown that hair emits weak electromagnetic signals that can be measured and analyzed. These signals are thought to originate from the biochemical processes occurring within hair follicles, including the synthesis of proteins and other biomolecules. Moreover, the structure and composition of hair may influence its vibrational properties, giving rise to the idea that hair possesses its own unique frequency.

What does this mean? It means that hair truly has more importance on our health and wellbeing – especially our mental health and wellbeing – and we should be looking after it more cautiously than originally thought. It may explain why some young children hold on to their mother's hair for comfort, why pulling someone's hair may be more emotionally than physically painful, and it may explain why some people are more reluctant to cut their hair short, desiring length and beauty for emotional happiness.

Some hair experts also believe that it's this very frequency that may cause hair loss at the top of the head (the crown, also known in metaphysics as the "crown chakra") when the body is stressed and lacking happiness, as this is the part of the body where most of the energy is released... What do you think?


The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual connection. When this chakra is balanced, it promotes a sense of peace, clarity, and alignment with one’s higher self. It is believed that an open and balanced crown chakra can influence the health of our hair, reflecting the overall harmony within our body and spirit.

When hair is believed to emit electromagnetic signals as frequencies, utilizing crystals is a powerful way to clear the crown chakra and enhance the energies surrounding hair. Some of the most commonly used crystals for this purpose include:

  • Amethyst: To help alleviate stress and anxiety, which can have a positive effect on hair health by reducing hair loss caused by tension and stress.

  • Selenite: A crystal known for its ability to cleanse and purify energy fields, selenite is associated with promoting cellular regeneration, which can support the health of both scalp and hair.

  • Moonstone: With its gentle energy, to help balance hormonal fluctuations, which can impact hair health.

  • Sugilite: A potent crystal said to help clear the crown chakra, providing a shield against negative energies. Sugilite’s nurturing energy supports emotional healing that promotes overall well-being and healthy hair growth.

  • Chalcopyrite: A powerful energy conduit to release energy blockages and move energy more freely through the body, Chalcopyrite has been used for centuries to aid in hair loss due to its high copper content: a good energy conductor.

Crystals are typically used to create a hair rinse by placing the crystal in a jar of distilled water and allowing it to sit under bright moonlight overnight. Crystals are placed under moonlight to charge them because moonlight is believed to have gentle, nurturing energy that cleanses and recharges the crystals, enhancing their metaphysical properties. This practice is especially common during the full moon, when the moon's energy is considered to be at its peak, providing the strongest cleansing and charging effects. The moonlight is thought to purify the crystals of any negative energy they may have absorbed and to amplify their healing properties, making them more effective for use in spiritual and energy work.

crystal in the moonlight
Crystals are placed in the moonlight to "charge and purify them" before energy work.

How many years of memories does hair hold on to?

The notion that hair holds onto memories for specific durations is not scientifically established in terms of a quantifiable timeframe. While some cultural beliefs suggest that hair retains memories indefinitely, modern scientific research has yet to provide concrete evidence or establish a precise duration for which hair holds onto memories.

Factors such as hair length, environmental exposures, and individual differences may influence the retention of information in hair. Additionally, the concept of "memories" stored in hair is often symbolic or metaphorical rather than literal, encompassing a range of experiences, emotions, and energetic imprints. It remains a topic of ongoing exploration and debate in both cultural and scientific contexts.

Scientific Insights and Future Directions

While cultural beliefs about hair are deeply rooted in tradition and spirituality, modern science is beginning to unravel the mysteries of hair's energetic properties. Through advanced techniques and technologies, researchers are exploring the bioelectromagnetic field of the human body, including the role of hair in energy regulation and transmission.

Recent studies have highlighted the potential therapeutic applications of hair-based interventions, such as bioelectromagnetic therapy and energy healing modalities. By harnessing the subtle energies inherent in hair, practitioners aim to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.

As our understanding of hair continues to evolve, interdisciplinary collaborations between scientists, healers, and cultural practitioners offer promising avenues for exploration. By bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, we may unlock new insights into the profound significance of hair and its role in our lives.

In Conclusion

Hair is not merely a cosmetic feature – it is a repository of cultural beliefs, spiritual traditions, and scientific inquiry. Across cultures and throughout history, hair has served as a symbol of identity, spirituality, and personal expression. As we continue to explore the mysteries of hair, let us embrace its significance with reverence and curiosity, honouring the diverse traditions and beliefs that enrich our understanding of this remarkable aspect of human experience.


  • 1. Redmond, L. (2019). The Energetic Properties of Hair: Exploring the Bioelectromagnetic Field of the Human Body. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 25(8), 789-796.

  • Stevens, M. (2017). Hair as a Biomaterial: An Exploration of its Chemical Composition and Energetic Properties. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 24(2), 112-125.

  • Young, D. E. (2006). Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History. Greenwood Publishing Group.


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